Your search matched 1 words and 11 sentences.
Search Terms: 何れにしても*, いずれにしても*

Dictionary results(showing 1 results)

anyhow, at all events, in any case, either way, anyway(usually kana)
Other readings:

Sentence results (showing 1-10 of 11 results)

At any rate I will go out when it stops raining

At any rate, he was satisfied with the results

At any rate, we can't change the schedule

At any rate, we have no means of helping him

It is not my intent to hurt you in any way

At any rate, it will be a good experience for you

In any case, you are wrong in your conjecture

She must come at all events

He will come after all

Anyway, if you want to know more about my country, I'll send you a letter when I get home
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